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show up with Windows 8

Fujitsu Stylistic Q702 and LifeBook T902

Fujitsu Stylistic Q702 and LifeBook T902
The annual Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival is usually just flooded with discounted computer products and booth babes, so we were pleasantly surprised when we spotted a couple of unreleased Windows 8, dual-digitizer devices at the Fujitsu booth. Pictured above is the Stylistic Q702 "Quattro," an 11.6-inch tablet-cum-laptop that was announced last month. This particular unit sported an Intel Core i5-3427U chip (capped at 2.3GHz instead of 2.8GHz), a vibrant IPS panel, a fingerprint scanner, front and back cameras, 4GB of RAM and a 256GB SSD -- twice the announced capacity, for some reason. Much like the ASUS Transformers, undocking the tablet was only a matter of pulling the latch on the hinge, but we found the latch to be rather stiff to operate. Hopefully this is just a prototype issue. Other than that, we just wish the final keyboard dock will somehow get a slight weight reduction: for the screen size, 1.88 pounds isn't too bad for the tablet alone, but together with the heavy keyboard, the Q702 could become a nightmare for regular travelers.

The second prototype lurking at the back of the booth was the bulkier LifeBook T902 "Tercel," a 13.3-inch convertible laptop that was unveiled alongside the Q702 last month. According to its label, this swivel-hinged machine packed a Core i7-3520M, 8GB of RAM, 500GB 7,200rpm hard drive, Blu-ray burner, LTE radio and a 72Wh (6,700mAh) battery. Oh, and there's also a fingerprint scanner below the display. While the software failed to reverse the screen rotation after we flipped the screen back to laptop mode, it was in general just as responsive as the Q702, though the hardware felt more solid and ready. With this in mind plus the Windows 7 label and Wacom label below the keyboard, we wouldn't be surprised if the T902 comes out before the Q702. Until then, feel free to check out our impromptu hands-on video of the Q702 after the break.
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