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I wont do an AVB

ROY HODGSON will not do an AVB and axe Englands old guard.
The England chief claims the Chelsea career of Andre Villas-Boas is a classic example of the wrong way to discard experienced players.
Hodgsons view is unlikely to be popular at Tottenham, where AVB is now manager.
But he explained: Andre Villas-Boas, when he took over the Chelsea team, decided maybe that was the way he would go or maybe was advised to go by the owner.
Yet they were eventually the players who came back and won the Champions League.
I want to win matches and I wont be prepared to throw players of the quality of John Terry, Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard from the national team until I am sure that there are much better players who can take their place and help us win games they cant. Frankly, that is not happening at the moment.
Hodgson is facing two World Cup qualifiers the first in Moldova on Friday before Ukraine visit Wembley on September 11.
And he defended his squad, which is full of familiar faces.
He added: They are not only features of their club teams but very important members.
First they have to let me down. But they havent done that yet. In fact, the reverse. Id suggest Terry and Gerrard were two of the most important people at Euro 2012.
Yet Hodgson, now minus injured Andy Carroll, is also doing his best to introduce new, younger players in a bid to find the right blend as he tries to make it to Brazil 2014.
And the 65-year-old said: We are going to need to blood younger players by 2014. I hope they will then be good enough to give it a good shot in Brazil.

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