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Apple confirms September 12 event: "It's almost here"

Apple confirms September 12 event: "It's almost here"
Have you been on the edge of your seat waiting for the next iPhone to be announced Wait no more: Apple has officially sent out invitations for a media event at 10am Pacific Time on September 12, taking place in San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Unlike past invitations, this one contains virtually no clues as to what will be introduced (see above) aside from the "5" lurking in the shadows. Many believe this is Apple's nod to the unofficial name "iPhone 5" for the next-gen iPhone.

An Apple media event has been rumored for the date since July, with most observers expecting to see Apple's next-gen iPhone make its first public appearance. The device is believed to come with a larger screen than previous iPhones, 4G LTE support, the 4FF's "nano" SIM standard, and possibly a new dock connector. But Apple's fall event is rarely about just one productApple's desktop version of iTunes is widely expected to get a makeover by year-end, the iPod nano is rumored to be getting an update, and the Apple TV may see some changes as well.

A smaller version of the iPadbeing referred to as the "iPad mini"is also expected to make its debut before the end of this year. However, recent rumors have suggested that Apple will hold another media event in October in order to introduce the device before the holiday season.

Ars will be in San Francisco covering the September event live, so tune in to follow along with the announcements as they happen starting at 10am PDT on September 12!
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