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Ferdinand chose career over country

Rio Ferdinand turned down England calling for longer playing career
Manchester United defender chose fitness over country
Ferdinand claims he almost quit over Ferguson's retirement
Rio Ferdinand has claimed that he put career before country when he decided not to play for England again. The 34-year-old Manchester United defender says he could have answered the England manager Roy Hodgson's call but instead chose to extend his playing career.


Ferdinand told the Sunday Sun: "Basically, I could play for another three or four years or play two or three games for England and be finished in a year. It wasn't a contest.

"I couldn't sacrifice my fitness for the sake of a few more England caps. It would not have been fair on United, it would have been a disservice to the club and to England."

Ferdinand also claimed that he considered quitting the game when Sir Alex Ferguson announced his retirement. "Sir Alex leaving did make me think: 'Is it time for me to go too'" he added.

The centre-back also revealed just how much his chronic back injury affected him. "Two or three years ago people were saying I was finished and I remember those dark days," he said. "I was in a depressive state, I will admit that. They weren't easy times and I couldn't play to the highest standard. You think negative thoughts. I had 18 months of being injured on and off."

He said his two sons, Lorenz and Tate, had been the decisive factor. "My two boys are desperate to watch me playing for Manchester United. That was a big factor. They were being asked at school what was happening with me. They were coming home and saying, 'You aren't leaving are you, Dad We want to see you playing for United.' It is only now they are properly getting into football. They are six and four and I want them to be able to remember me in a United shirt."

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