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Arsenal still confident of UAE starlet Abdulrahman

Arsenal still confident of beating Barcelona and Schalke to UAE starlet Abdulrahman
The United Arab Emirates playmaker was supposed to be on trial at Emirates today - but his club playing hardball over sought-after 21-year-old
Arsene Wenger has made a bid to sign Olympics star Omar Abdulrahman to beat off competition from Europe's big guns.
Arsenal boss Wenger is hopeful of agreeing a deal which would see the United Arab Emirates international come over for a week's trial ahead of a deal for the biggest star in the Middle East.


Rashid bin Mubarak Al Hajri, deputy chairman of Abdulrahman's club Al Ain, said: "Have we had an offer from Arsenal for him to come to train Then yes.

"We've also had offers from Spanish teams, and other teams also, but the player will decide ultimately. We got a lot of offers for Omar. If he finds the right environment, then we will be very supportive.

"It's a package that will have to be right, where he can improve his football. I'll leave that for Omar - that's for him to decide."

Al Ain have now blocked him coming for a trial - which was due to start today [Monday] - as they battle to keep the playmaker.

Barcelona, Borussia Dortmund, Schalke and Valencia have all been trying to sign the 21-year-old who caught the eye in the Olympics last summer.

But Arsenal have worked hard on the deal for the past few months and are still confident of tying up a permanent transfer but view the trial as a way of assessing whether Abdulrahman adapts to English football and culture.

Meanwhile, Arsenal are also still hopeful of a £6m deal for Freiburg's Matthias Ginter as revealed in Mirror Sport on June 5.
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