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Madrid erect Bale presentation podium

Real Madrid erect infamous Galacticos podium as they prepare to unveil Gareth Bale
Real Madrid have erected their infamous Galacticos podium at the Bernabeu Stadium as they prepare to unveil the world record signing of Gareth Bale from Tottenham.

Madrid agreed a £109million deal to sign Bale last week after making him their number one transfer target.

And although the deal has been held up with Spurs failing to land Willian as a replacement, impatient Madrid expect to confirm Bale soon.


According to reports in Spain, a glitzy presentation party had already been planned, with Real briefing fan groups to travel in their thousands to the Bernabeu next week to welcome the 24-year-old.

The La Liga giants were caught preparing the giant podium that they use to show off new signings on Friday evening, with the deal edging ever closer.


Bale has remained in England while this has been going on, with the player still training with Tottenham as he bids to overcome an ankle injury.

But he is already believed to have accepted a £150,000-a-week contract, with the formalities set to be completed imminently.

The transfer fee, although paid in a number of installments, makes Bale the most expensive footballer in the world, surpassing the £80million Madrid paid for Cristiano Ronaldo in 2008.

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