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iPhone 5S to go into production in early 2013

iPhone 5S to go into production in early 2013
iPhone 5S to go into production in early 2013′
Apple may have just launched the iPhone 5, but reports suggest the tech titan is already planning an update of the best-selling smartphone dubbed the iPhone 5S.

iPhone 5S to go into production in early 2013′Latest model: Apples iPhone 5 (Picture: Apple)
While the 4-inch screened iPhone 5 only hit high street shelves less than two months ago, a Chinese tech site claims Apple will officially start work on the 5S in early 2013.

Although few details have emerged about the rumoured smartphone, the Commercial Times reports that Apple will begin a trial production run as early as next month.

Facing low yield rates in the production of iPhone 5, Apple has accelerated the certification processes for related parts and components for the iPhone 5S, the newspaper reports.


While the speculated iPhone 5S is expected to enter volume production in the first quarter of 2013, Apple is also likely to release a new version of iPad a quarter later than the iPhone 5S, since the display resolution of its latest version of iPad has come out lower than expected.

The iPhone 5 became the fastest-selling phone in Apple history after receiving over two million pre-orders in less than 24 hours.

Apple followed up its release with a new iPad mini and iPad 4 in October, featuring its new iOS6 operating system.

While many fans criticised Apples decision to release a new tablet just seven months after the iPad 3, it has been a hit commercially, having sold more than three million units alongside the mini in its first weekend of sale.

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