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iPhone 5S, Note 7.0 and Steve Jobs

iPhone 5S, Note 7.0 and Steve Jobs
A week in tech: iPhone 5S, Samsung Galaxy Note 7.0 and Steve Jobs silver screen debut
Stuff the worlds best selling gadget magazine, fills us in on the hottest tech news from the week including the latest iPhone 5S rumours and Ashton Kutchers Steve Jobs movie latest.
Is this the iPhone 5S
It must be that time of year again the Apple rumour mill puts on its running shoes because the internet is excitedly covering purported images the iPhone 5S.


The image in question shows an almost identical case to the current iPhone 5, only the serial number features a tell-tale x, signifying that its a prototype, and the layout of the screws is somewhat different. What does this mean Well, it could mean the interior gizmos are different, indicating a modest upgrade.


Is the Samsung Galaxy Note 7.0 launch near

Perhaps keen to cash in on the highly lucrative budget tablet market, Samsung may be planning to launch its own 7-inch Android slate.

Assuming a mysterious benchmark is anything but fictitious, the GT-N5100 will allegedly pack a resolution of 1280×720, an ARM Mali-400 graphics processing unit and a 1.6Ghz quad-core processor. Also mentioned is Android 4.1.2, which means its Jelly Beaned up to the hilt, presumably with Samsungs full selection of S Pen-supported apps, if the Note moniker is anything to go by.

Maybe Sammy has finally cottoned onto what people want: a cheap iPad alternative, as opposed to an expensive equivalent. How it can differentiate itself from the rather excellent Nexus 7 Well that Wacom-infused S Pen would certainly be a good start

BBC launches new connected red button service

The BBC has launched a new Connected Red Button service for Virgin Media TiVo users with a plethora of new features to ensure that nothing will slip past your eyes this Christmas.

The new BBC Connected Red Button will enable you to catch up with programmes on channels that are off-air, which includes BBC childrens channels, BBC Three and BBC Four.

Youll also be able to catch up on previous episodes of your favourite shows and even discover some hidden gems thanks to to a new feature which suggests programmes you might take a liking to.


Ashton Kutchers Steve Jobs movie to premiere at Sundance

Following the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs, Hollywood inevitably swept in to put his life on the silver screen. Now, the first fruit of their labours is about to hit cinemas, with the first posthumous Jobs biopic, jOBS, closing the Sundance Film Festival in January.

Starring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs, jOBS takes in 30 years of the Apple founders life, starting in 1971 a period that covers his early successes with Apple, his less successful venture at NeXT, and the foundation of Pixar.

jOBS isnt the only Steve Jobs biopic in the works The Social Network writer Aaron Sorkin is penning his own take on Steve Jobs life, based on Walter Isaacsons biography of the Apple founder.

Texting turns 20 20 amazing facts about SMS

Here are five facts about SMS texts:

1. The first text was sent from an Orbitel 901. Contract engineer Neil Papworth wrote Merry Christmas to Vodafone colleague Richard Jarvis. It was December 3rd, 1992. Owing to technological restrictions, he had to use a PC to send the message. Jarvis was unable to reply.

2. Phones did not have the ability to compose SMS messages until Nokia introduced the feature to its range in 1993. Texts couldnt be sent between different networks in the UK until 1999.

3. Britons now send an average of 50 texts a week, a figure dwarfed by Filipinos, who send an average of 27 texts per day.

4. On Christmas Day in 2006, more than 205 million texts were sent in the UK alone. In 2011, Brits sent over 150 billion. Globally, over six trillion texts are sent annually [2010].

5. A single 160 character text weighs in at 140 bytes.

Looking for Christmas gift suggestions Check out Stuffs comprehensive guide of prezzies that are suitable for all.

Find out the winners of this years Stuff Gadget Awards here.

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