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A week in tech: iPhone 5S release date

A week in tech: iPhone 5S release date
A week in tech: iPhone 5S release date, Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch and Kinect
Stuff, the worlds best selling gadget magazine, fills us in on the hottest tech news from the week including the iPhone 5 release date and a Google Nexus 4 price drop.

iPhone 5S release date slated for September 20

The iPhone 5S and budget iPhone 5C could be released on September 20 according to the latest whispers to come out of the iRumour mill.

The speculated date has arisen after TmoNews mystery sources told the site that US T-Mobile employees have been forbidden to go on holiday from September 20-22.

Unbelievable bang for your buck Google Nexus 4 drops to £160


Google has dropped £80 off the price of the 8GB and 16GB Nexus 4 models to £160 and £200 respectively.

Thats an insanely good deal for a 4.7in quad-core handset with pure vanilla Android and guaranteed on-the-day updates.

The Nexus 4 earned a well-deserved 5 stars in Stuffs review, thanks to its gorgeous glass build and super slick performance, and youd be hard pressed not to snap one up for this price.

Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch to be revealed on September 4


Samsung is set to unveil the Galaxy Gear smartwatch on September 4, according to an executive from the company.

Confirming reports that the Galaxy Gear would launch alongside the Galaxy Note 3, Lee Young-hee, executive vice president of Samsung Mobile, has announced that the Galaxy Gear will be revealed at Samsungs pre-IFA briefing in Berlin.

Apple to invite you and your friends to an iPhone-powered silent disco

Apple has filed a patent that describes a method of creating, essentially, your very own silent disco using little more than a bunch of iOS devices and some headphones.

Apples patent details a system that works slightly differently, because there is no central device acting as the DJ and broadcasting the same tune to every other user. Instead a collection of networked iPhones, iPod Touches or iPads will share tempo information, which means everyone in the group can listen to different music but at (roughly) the same BPM.

Kinect lets you look your Skype caller in the eye


One of the problems with Skype video calls is that you and your counterpart are rarely looking each other in the eye, because youre gazing at their on-screen image rather than directly into your webcam. Its all a bit jarring.

A new software prototype from the Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich aims to change that using facial recognition and the Xbox 360s Kinect camera. The camera and software isolate the callers face and rotate it slightly, creating the illusion of eye contact. Only the face is moved, and done so seamlessly the rest of the image remains untouched.

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