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Graphite twist for Apple's iPhone 5S

Graphite twist for Apple's iPhone 5S
Apples new iPhone 5S set to come in graphite as well as champagne
Apple designers are branching out when it comes to the colour of the companys latest iPhone incarnation it seems, after a YouTube video of a graphite version of the long-awaited handset was posted today.
With eight days to go until the launch of the iPhone 5S, if rumours are to be believed, it appears the Californian tech giant is ready to ditch its monochrome-only policy for the latest model.

Fans already have the bubbly on ice after images of a champagne version of the 5S was leaked recently but perhaps adding a graphite option to the collection could be a diamond idea.

And with an Apple A7 processor which is rumoured to make the new model 31 per cent faster than the 5 and a fingerprint scanner to boot, Apple aficionados are already shaking with anticipation.


But for those of you who want an iPhone at a fraction of the price, the 5C could be right up your street.

And if you thought Apple had become the sedate, bland uncle of its snappy-dressing manufacturing rivals at Samsung and Nokia then think again as the model will come in an array of bright colours, if more leaked pictures released today are to be believed.

In what could be a nod to the varied wardrobe of the iPod nano, the cheaper handset, which is still expected to retail at about the £325 mark, will come in a rainbow of colours, including his and hers (or vice versas) pink and blue.

Although reportedly aimed at emerging markets such as India and Brazil, the bright and airy feel of the 5C will surely have its fair share of fans across the globe.

Both models are set to be launched on September 10 and hit the stores ten days later.

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