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iPhone 5S launch: What we know

iPhone 5S launch: What we know
iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C launch: Known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns
The iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C are expected to be unveiled by Apple after months of feverish speculation.

What we know:

The normally secretive Apple has invited tech journalists to an event at its Cupertino headquarters in California, as well as satellite events in Berlin, Germany; Tokyo; Japan; and Beijing; China.

Apple unveiled the iPhone 5 around this time last year, and has never waited more than 12 months to update an iPhone.


What we expect:

Anything other than the launch of two new smartphones the iPhone 5S and a budget version the iPhone 5C would represent a major shock.

The flagship iPhone 5S should feature a fingerprint scanner on the home button, a 12 or 13-megapixel camera and a more powerful processor.

It is also likely to be available in gold, which like the iPhone 5C is a nod to the Chinese market.

The iPhone 5C represents Apples first-ever budget product, and should be available in a range of bright colours in another departure for the usually monochromatic tech giant.

The previously mooted iOS 7 will also be officially previewed, with chief executive Tim Cook describing the new operating system as the biggest change since the introduction of the iPhone.


What we dont know:

If any of the above is actually true, and whether Apple the worlds biggest company with a market value of $460billion (£292billion) will scupper its own next generation phone with a budget model designed to be the silver bullet against cheaper Android devices.

Check back with us from 6pm UK time tonight to find out.

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