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Hands-on with iPhone 5C and 5S

Hands-on with iPhone 5C and 5S
iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C: Hands-on with Apples latest smartphones
As predicted, the real star of Apples latest launch wasnt really the phones; Apples overhauled operating system looks citrus fresh. Sir Jonathan Ive and his team have done a fantastic job giving the user interface a super bright and super clean appearance.
iPhone 5S
On the flagship 5S I was taken through the Touch ID fingerprint scanner. It certainly felt unnatural and fiddly at first, twisting your thumb around and waiting for the iPhones vibration acceptance notification to move you onto the next stage, but once completed thats it locked in the memory and you can store up to five fingerprints in total. Its a 360-degree system so you can twist your favoured finger this way and that when operating and it will still recognize it.


It will be interesting to see just how far Apple can take the technology past the App Store in terms of online purchases theyll need the backing of major banks and financial corporations to make it work.

The 5S doesnt feel, or really look, any different to the 5 so if youre bored of the sight of the current model your best bet is to change the colour maybe to gold, which actually doesnt look anywhere near as horrid as it should in the flesh.

The camera remains a solid performer if not outstanding, but there is plenty of fun to be had with the slow-mo feature which runs 720p resolution at 120frames per second. The new camera controls feel purposefully like a high-end compact and the iOS7 improvements continue through to the photo roll where you can zoom out to see all of pictures lined from the last year in a kind of pixel montage if you wish.

Thanks to the 64-bit processor game response is rapid and graphics look fantastic, but a closer comparison with its rivals is needed.

iPhone 5C

Essentially an iPhone 5 in colourful clothing: its the same camera and same processor but with a 4-inch retina display and a marginally better battery.

Ive described this as beautifully unapologetically plastic and I agree with him. Its gorgeous not quite Nokia Lumia quality but close and all of the chosen colours work. In your hand it feels glossy but not sticky and is much more ergonomic and comfortable to hold than the 5 or 5S.

With the 5C iOS7 comes colour-coded with whatever shade shell youve chosen, which is a neat feature. Otherwise all of the new iOS7 features like Siri with Twitter and Wikipedia searches are the same.

The only real shame is the price. Its not budget or cheap and youre essentially getting hardware thats iPhone 5 old. Id personally like the option of the 5S in 5C clothing.

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