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Apple iOS 7 proves sweet but rotten to download

Apple iOS 7 proves sweet but rotten to download
Apple users worldwide last night rushed to download the companys new-look mobile operating system.

Demand for the freely available iOS 7 was strong after the technology giants design chief Sir Jonathan Ive described it as an important new direction.

The redesign, which includes cleaner looking icons and a control centre activated by a swipe of the finger, comes ahead of the release of the iPhone 5s and 5c tomorrow.


It also features a torch that utilises the devices camera flash and AirDrop, which allows pictures, documents and contacts to be shared with others nearby through Bluetooth or wi-fi.

Apple fan and iPhone user Colin Roberts, 28, of London, said: Its very easy on the eye and I think itll help me in my everyday life.

But some users reported problems trying to access the new software including error messages and lengthy download times. One, Michael Saunders, tweeted: Have to wait 4 hours for iOS 7.0 to downloadoh dear.

While Sam Allison posted: Guess Im not the only one getting an Error message trying to download iOS 7.0.


However, users who were successful were impressed with one stating: IOS 7.0 is awesome!

Metro tech editor James Day said it was a massive cosmetic upgrade, arguably bigger news than the new iPhone 5s, which includes a fingerprint scanner.

Apple is facing a battle to keep customers or claw them back from rivals such as Android and the new operating system is a massive draw, he added.

The iOS 7 software is also available for the iPhone 4, iPad2, iPad Mini, iPod Touch and later models of those devices.

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