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Owen Im still hungry


MICHAEL OWEN has hit back at his critics blasting Dont accuse me of losing my hunger.
The former Kop hero is set to return to Liverpool tomorrow after signing for Stoke last month as a free agent.
But the ex-England striker is fuming at talk he has no passion for football any more and prefers horse racing.
Owen, 32, says it is a slur on his character to say his desire and ambition have gone. He was tipped to rejoin Liverpool after being released by Manchester United but agreed a last-minute deal with the Potters instead.
After playing just 31 times for United and seeing his full Stoke debut put on hold, Owen admits he has heard all the whispers about him.
He said: Criticism has to be something you can take, otherwise youre pretty much doomed.
However, one point annoyingly kept rearing its head that I havent got the passion anymore, prefer horses and have other things in my life.
It feels like a slur on my character and integrity to hear people questioning my desire.
To reach the highs that I have been fortunate enough to reach in my career, one thing you cannot lack is desire.
From the minute I could walk Ive carried a football under my arm.
I have loved the game of football as much as anyone. Nothing was handed to me. I had the desire to be the best and that certainly hasnt left me and never will.
Nature has dictated that I am no longer the player I once was. Its got nothing to do with dedication, hunger or desire. Due to my injuries Ive had to re-invent myself and the way I play.
No longer can I sprint 100 times in a game at lightning speed and as a result Ive had to adapt.
But I believe my greatest achievement is to still be playing at the highest level after all the injuries Ive suffered.
I look at the Scholes and Giggs of this world and marvel at the way they have adapted their game and stayed at the top as a consequence.
Long gone are the days when I had little else in my life other than football. Im happily married and have the small task of bringing up four children.
I part own a physiotherapy business and a racing stables, while employing over 50 people in the process.
Inevitably, taking on these responsibilities requires time and effort, but that does not necessarily mean I have taken my eye off the ball.

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